Dental Tourism Colombia

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Not All Dentists in Medellin Are Created Equal

You have been hearing about dental tourism for a while now. It sounds interesting and compelling. You know it is part of a much broader shift of how goods and services are consumed in the massive move to an interconnected global marketplace. 

You also take pride in being open-minded, and looking at opportunity from unique perspectives. Financially, dental tourism is a no-brainer. 

However, some doubts persist - and with good reason. Just like in the US, and in any occupation, there are incredibly accomplished professionals, there are above average ones, average ones, and below average. 

Pricing, high or low, does not necessarily guarantee or correlate to outcomes.

But, you instinctively know there must be dentists in Medellin who are outstanding and charge reasonable fees. Fee’s, that may be as much as 70% less than in the US. 

As such, you know you are on the right path, but how do you find these dentists? Dentists who have a solid track-record, independent reviews, and clear, transparent pricing, and guarantee their work. 

The following will help you understand how Dental Tourism Colombia approaches dental tourism in Medellin, Colombia and why you can have complete confidence in us. 

Dental prices in Medellin, Colombia are about 70% less than in the US, but how do you find the best dentist?

You pause, and maybe start to doubt your instincts. You think, am I really this clever and adventurous? 

Relax, you are not alone, a great many first time patients have thought, and struggled with this. The good news is that we can help you. 

We go out of our way to make your total experience a pleasant and effective one, that minimizes any angst or stress and caters to your personality and needs. 

Further, we promise to be contactable 24/7 should any need arise, dental or otherwise. 

Considerations when assessing cosmetic dentists in Medellin, Colombia

Any dental professional can assert they are most qualified or have the most competitive pricing. But, how do you assure yourself of the best fit for your individual needs? 

Said differently, who is factually portraying their credentials and experience as it relates to your specific needs? 

Here are some items we suggest you look into:

  • Credentials and Experience

  • Hygiene Protocols

  • Guarantee of Work Performed

  • Quality of Materials

  • Concierge Service

  • Language Skill

  • Transparent Pricing

Keep reading. The following delves into more detail on the above items.

What are the credentials of our dentist in Medellin, Colombia?

Where a dentist receives their education is important. Is the university accredited? What about specialization or any postgraduate study? 

And, perhaps most importantly, given recent trends, what level of expertise does the dentist have in cosmetic dentistry and implantology

To learn the specifics, the credentials, experience, and reputation of our dentists are clearly listed on our website. Further, we require our dentists have a minimum of 10 years of experience.

What are the hygiene protocols of our dentist in Medellin, Colombia?

We rigorously embrace and strictly adhere to the highest US standards. From the latest academic guidelines on the sanitization of dental instruments and the general office, to which gloves and face masks our dentist and staff utilize. 

Does our dentist in Medellin, Colombia guarantee their work?

We 100% stand behind our work. In the rare event an issue occurs, we will fix the issue for free, in accordance with our warranty periods. 

Just return to Medellin and we will cheerfully address. As an example, guarantees can cover 3 years for an implant and 1 year for a crown.

What is the quality of the materials of our dentist in Medellin, Colombia?

You really have to do your research here, as some dentists use cheap and inferior products to offer you a lower price. These products often fail, and can be a serious risk to your health.

Given there are a great deal of brand and non-branded products. It can honestly seem overwhelming to know which product to use. 

The good news, is that we have sorted through all of the options and can state, with zero reservations, that our dentists only utilize the highest quality, name brand products from US and German manufacturers. These include Biohorizons, Zimmer, Straumann, and Microdent.

Regarding our porcelain products, all of our veneers, dental crowns, and dental bridges are made of the highest quality porcelain and custom made to your exact requirements. 

Utilizing the latest imaging technology, we will carefully measure and assess your specific needs. From there, our laboratory will produce unique, customized products to fit your exact requirements.

Dentures, Root Canals, Teeth Whitening, and all additional dental work is done at the highest level.

What concierge service does our dentist in Medellin, Colombia provide?

If you are not accustomed to traveling internationally, it is only natural that you may have some trepidation about going to a foreign country for dental care. We understand, which is why we provide free, English speaking concierge service. 

We closely monitor your flight, arrive at the airport early, have a large and visible sign with your name when our driver picks you up at the airport. 

From there, we take you to your hotel and assist you with check-in, and either take you to, or show you where the dental office is located.

How’s the English of our dentist in Medellin, Colombia?

Our Dentist, their administrative assistant, and drivers speak English. We understand it is important for you to be able to clearly communicate your dental goals, and for us, to clearly explain every facet of care with someone who understands and speaks English.

Does our dentist in Medellin, Colombia have transparent and clear pricing?

To begin with, we do not, in any way, shape, or form require any upfront deposits, and we will never charge you for an office visit. As such, you are not obligated in any way to have any dental work done.

 If you want to proceed, we guarantee you that the prices we charge, as clearly listed on our website, will be what you pay for any given procedure. There are no gimmicks or bait and switch. If you decide not to have any work performed, their will not be a charge.

Additionally, in an effort to be as transparent as possible, we clearly list our price for a given procedure. There is no fine print. The price, is the price. 

We also work to upfront provide you with as accurate a quote as possible. We are very often very close to the mark on what your price will be. 

However, until we examine you and/or review x-rays, we can not ascertain for sure what procedures you may need. Of course, you are always in full control as to which, if any, procedures you would like completed. We do not pressure anyone, in any way. 

As reinforcement, the cost for any given procedure is transparently listed on our website, and we guarantee not to deviate from that price.

Get started with our dentist in Medellin, Colombia at no cost or obligation!

Visit our website for additional details and to read real reviews from real patients. This is an opportunity for you to receive top-notch care and save an average of 70% off US prices. 

Further, there is no risk, as we begin with a free, virtual consultation, and a transparent, “no-nonsense” quote, without any obligation or cost. 

Plus, we do not require any upfront deposits. 

Here’s to great dental care and the joy of not having any dental issues, and a great smile!